Oh Yeah! One Bars
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Oh Yeah! One Bars

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

Does a doughnut flavored protein bar sound good? Check out the Oh Yeah! One Bars.

- ONE Protein Bar, 12 Flavor Super Variety Pack, 12 Pack, Gluten-Free Protein Bars with High Protein (20g) and Low Sugar (1g), Guilt Free Snacking for Healthy Diets

- THE ONE PROTEIN BAR: Congratulations, you've found the ONE. Protein bar, that is. With this super variety pack, you get 12 indulgent, craving inspired flavors of our Gluten-Free protein bars, and 0 regrets. Each bar has 20g of protein and 1g of sugar.

- GLUTEN-FREE PROTEIN BARS: There's nothing to feel guilty about in these Gluten-Free protein bars, so you can always give into your cravings. Stressful day? Pre-workout snack? Late for work? Grab your ONE protein bar for low sugar, guilt free snacking.

- HIGH PROTEIN, LOW SUGAR, NO REGRETS: Whichever flavor you grab, from salted caramel to peanut butter chocolate cake, you'll be getting 20g of protein, 1g of sugar, & 0 regrets. Our gluten-free bars are a guilt free snack when your energy is low.

- TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE SNACKING: At ONE, we believe that great taste & great health can be the perfect match, which is why we created the ONE Protein Bar. Low sugar, high protein & highly indulgent flavor make this protein bar the one you'll keep eating.

Check out this real review:

"Hooked on these. Ordered two boxes at a time, and it was way worth it. So far, I am highly impressed with majority of the flavors; this seller does a fantastic job at including a diverse amalgamation of selections."

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