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30 Minute Video Consults

Get a video consult with a certified coach

Ready to receive intensive coaching on lifestyle changes with one of our amazing coaches? Uplevel your life today!

Your consultation can be utilized for accountability and coaching support through Q & A, reviewing progress and discussing barriers.


Ready to change your life?

Our intensive coaching program results speak for themselves

Overcome barriers that are keeping you from your goals

Become the best version of you!

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Get the results that you have been waiting for

KKW is providing you with the accountability assistance to help you meet your goals.

This is offered in addition to your purchased single service. You will receive a face-to-face zoom video call with a KKW COACH clinician.

Ready to make lifestyle changes?


Ready to make lifestyle changes?



Exclusive Offer

A coach consult is available to those who have purchased a one-time service with KKW


Just For You

You will receive a personalized face-to-face zoom consult with a certified coach clinician



Hear more about our services and have an open question & answer session with a coach

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get a quick check-in on your progress

It's your choice how you want to spend time with a coach.

Do you want a question & answer session with a coach?

Do you simply need accountability?

Do you need an update progress monitoring?

You may use a 30 minute consultation within the constructs of our monthly base coaching model to add in thicker ratios of accountability. There is no product as a result of the consultation however, you will receive a brief summary of what was discussed in an email following the consultation.  

The results are the proof