Product Description:
Zenify Zero sugar all natural sparkling beverage is designed to help you reduce stress, stay focused, creative, and productive.
Drink Zenify Original throughout the day without any side effects.Zenify Zero sugar is an all natural, relaxation drink infused with the same stress-relieving antioxidants found in 25 cups of green tea with no caffeine.Zenify products increase focus and enhance vitality while reducing stress.
With a unique blend of l-theanine, GABA and Glycine, Zenify should be help people achieve their optimal state of being-relaxed yet focused and alert.
This uniquely balanced function makes Zenify the ideal choice for the office, The classroom or the field.
Other benefits include: l-theanine: elevate serotonin and dopamine levels | GABA: help produce endorphins | vitamins: consume 100% of the recommended daily allowance of five important B-vitamins – vitamins B-3, B-5, B-6, b-9 and B-12
See this real five star review from Amazon:
This stuff is AMAZING. I have so much stress and anxiety right now that I feel like I'm losing my mind. I've tried multiple supplements and nothing has worked. I saw this and even though the price tag is a bit high, it's no higher than what my husband spends on his energy drinks so I figured I'd give it a shot. They arrived quickly and were packed well - I had no problems there. These chill me out like nothing else - I don't have any use for anti-anxiety medications but I imagine this is what it would feel like if I took them. So relaxing and I just chill. They don't knock me out but I notice if I drink one in the evening I sleep like a baby. Even my kids have noticed the difference when mom opens one of these ;) I will absolutely keep these on hand - I wish they were more affordable but I will just have to cut corners somewhere else because I won't be without!

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